Build your nonprofits' online foundation

Focusing on the 20% of work that drives 80% of your results

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Join the 80/20 Nonprofit for tips, strategies, and resources to help you build and grow your nonprofit's online presence. The 80/20 Way.

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Hi, I’m Rich Dietz

I help nonprofits build a strong online foundation by focusing on the 20% of work that drives 80% of your results

"Well, how did I get here?" - Talking Heads, Once In a Lifetime

I started in the nonprofit world

My nonprofit journey began in college when I served as the director of a mentoring organization that supported at-risk youth. After graduation, I worked at a group home and day treatment facility for children with severe Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD). My two years there were some of the hardest and most rewarding I have ever had.

These experiences showed me the power of nonprofits to change lives. Wanting to learn more, I went on to earn my Master in Social Work (MSW), about as "nonprofity" as you can get.

From Accidental Techie to Tech Founder

Like many of you, I fell into the “tech person” role in the nonprofits where I worked. I’d thought tech would be an interesting new challenge - little did I know that that decision would spark a 20+ year adventure helping nonprofits with their online technology.

Over the years I have worked with a wide variety of nonprofit, political, and government organizations, and with software companies focused on nonprofit fundraising. Along the way, I have seen nonprofits continually struggle with the basics of technology – no time, no budget, and an overload of “shiny new objects” pulling their attention from the key work. Looking to aid my fellow nonprofit professionals, I eventually founded my own company, Nonprofit R+D, to help nonprofits strengthen the foundational 20% of technology that drives 80% of the results nonprofits are seeking.

Nonprofit R+D is dedicated to helping emerging and growing nonprofits build their online foundation through training, best practices, and interactive services and support.

Want to join us?

Join the 80/20 Nonprofit for tips, strategies, and resources to help you build and grow your nonprofit's online presence. The 80/20 Way.

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